Adjusting My Ambition
Reflections of a Christ Centered Entrepreneur

For the 11 years I have pursued entrepreneurship, my primary ambition has been to do a deal- acquire an existing business or form a team and finance a new one with a clear path to profitability. In doing a deal, I would do my uncle’s legacy proud and be set up to do more deals and larger deals and perhaps pick up where he left off at his untimely death. This focus prevented me from focusing on God. This in turn prevented me from having clarity as to who I am in Christ and how my ambition should be focused. While I gained knowledge and discipline regarding a number of the things my uncle leveraged for his success, I failed to be disciplined in my relationship with God. I have no doubt that this has caused me to fail in some of my business and personal relationships, while also contributing to fear and uncertainty that can be crippling if not addressed through daily ongoing prayer.
I’ve made an adjustment and the results have been a new level of clarity and peace. Now, my ambition is to be increasingly disciplined in my daily walk with Christ. The Bible tells us to pursue him and all things shall be added on.
Matthew 6:33 New International Version (NIV)
33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
So my ambition is to truly capture and understand what God has for me each day and live so that I may achieve what God has for me to achieve. In doing this, I will be used by God to be a blessing and serve others. In achieving this, whether a deal goes through or falls apart, I will know peace and joy that achieving worldly ambitions can never offer.